Monday, September 29, 2008
LOL. :D i screwed up my geog and a maths paper. FOR GEOG: everybody was given a map, nobody seemed to have flip open the map i notice, so did i. WHAT THE, i just got to know about it when MR-chee heng told me abt it. >< > for the first page (cause i did my tys the day before_it just seemed like 'somebody' told me i had to do it_in my heart) okay, ask GOD!! :D i don't know either. DAMN IT, i'm still as weak as ever for my plane geometry- 7 marks just flew away like this. But not exactly, i tried, but i failed to complete it. i scribbled, just hoping that i could get some marks out of it. :) TODAY'S GREAT- except for the exams. i got to meet somebody which supposedly i shouldn't... and lastly, before i sleep with my EEYORE, ........i saw sihui in the afternoon! oh wait, i didn't see her, she SAW me first! i'm so sorry sihui! :( Forgive me alright?